Saturday, December 10, 2011

PLE Blog Link

I decided to create another blog for the PLE.  I have spent some time looking at the websites before today to find all that fit my needs.  I actually have used a few of these quite a bit, as I like to keep up on things.  I don't really know what all I can post in it, as I don't want much information, but these websites have all greatly helped me in one way or another.  After having the blog in edit mode for a couple days, I have just now posted everything and its up for viewing.  I am still making minor changes though, but the information I have is what I use, as well as a few links that I just found the other day.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The American Wave

Post-Classical Film Making

During the 1950's and early 1960's Hollywood began to roll downhill. Many of the films being produced were not very successful, and viewers began to lose interest. During this time, the baby boomers were just starting to reach an age of independence. Their age group began to dominate the theaters, and a new level of film had to be reached. In order to adjust for the baby boomers, younger film makers were brought into revive Hollywood, in hopes that the younger generation film makers, fresh out of school, could catch an interest in the younger viewers.

New Hollywood, Post-classical film making, or also the “American New Wave” was during the mid-60's, and into the early 80's. During this time, many famous and classic movies were created, by younger directors, for younger audiences. Hired by studios, these you film makers were allowed to film just about anything they wanted, with very little control from the studio. With the young film makers now having their way with films, audiences began to see newer ideas in film not used before.

As films began to change, a new rating system was implemented. During this time things not that mot have been socially acceptable to view on screen began to allow more things that were once too inappropriate to be seen. Sex began to fill America, it it transitioned into theaters. Even though it was not actually shown in films like The Graduate, is was implied more so than ever seen before.

Through the 50's a new music genre began to erupt. Rock n Roll became increasingly popular each year, but it was not widely used until films in the 60's. This was yet another change that brought movies to have separate features included, soundtracks. Many movies features soundtracks remembered just as much as the movie itself. Themes for Star Wars, Jaws, and The Godfather, are all very famous. They are themes that I are played now by middle and high school bands. I can think of several movies that have soundtracks that I still listen to, such as Top Gun and Twister.

Another new adaption in the American Wave was taking the filming out of the studio. It costs a lot of money to build a set, especially when you can possibly find something as good or better thats already made, and in a real environment. To the studios, this was a huge gain. They were able to find locations that gave more feel to the movie, while saving a lot of money. Although out of the age I am talking about, Top Gun would not have been possible without the cameras the mounted on the different planes actually flown for the movie.

This era also produced some of the best movies ever created. Both Jaws and Star Wars, The Godfather, and many more movies were filmed that have made the top 100 movies list. Without a doubt these are some of the most widely known films ever made. Not only were the originals so famous, but in this era more films began to have sequels, with Star Wars having 6 total movies in its series. Unfortunately, not all of the films made were that great, and in the mid 70's the control of film makers had to be watched.

Im glad we had this era. Even with it being around 20 years before I was born, I still watch some of these movies every year. There is probably not a month that goes by where I don't see any reference to Star Wars, and I really am not into it like many others are. This era to me, was the dawn of many great titles. My favorite TV series M.A.S.H debuted as a movie in 1970, and it became one of the best TV shows of all time. Even though there were a few negatives, especially with the use of drugs on set, I probably have more favorite movies that came from the 70's than I do being released right now.